1. Developer of C programming language.
  1. What is compiler? What is interpreter?
  1. What are called C tokens?
  1. What are keywords in c?
  1. Rules for Identifiers?
  1. What is variables?
  1. What are datatypes in C?
  1. Data type & its range in tabular form?
  1. Storage class in c?
  1. What is macro?
  1. Constant variable.
  1. Types of operators in c.
  1. What is sizeof operator & its function?
  1. What is ternary operator.
  1. Precedence of arithmetic operator.
  1. Rules for evolution of expression.
  1. Implicit type casting & Explicit type casting.
  1. Operator precedence & associativity.
  1. Increment & decrement operator.
  1. Getchar(), fflush function.
  1. Characteristic functions.
  1. Commonly used scanf format.
  1. Decision making statement/branching making statement in c.
  1. What is break,continue & exit().
  1. Ternary or conditional operator.
  1. Goto statement.
  1. Types of loops in c(explain with e.g)
  1. Nested for loop
  1. Why we should avoid goto statement(175)
  1. What is array?
  1. Types of array
  1. How to declare 1D & 2D array
  1. What is row major & column major?
  1. What is dynamic array?
  1. Malloc(),calloc(),realloc(),free()
  1. What is enum?
  1. Difference between malloc() & calloc()
  1. Characteristic of an array?
  1. What is character array?
  1. What is string array?
  1. Difference between character array & string array String handling functions.
  1. Features of string
  1. What is functions?
  1. What is iterations?
  1. What is recursion?
  1. Difference between iterations & functions.
  1. What is pointer?
  1. How to pass an array to a function?
  1. What is array of pointer?
  1. What is pointer to pointer?
  1. What is null pointer?
  1. What is void pointer?
  1. Advantages of switch case over ifelse statement.
  1. Call by value/call by reference.
  1. What is p processer?
  1. Different file functions.
  1. Different file accessing modes.
  1. Different between array & link list.
  1. What are local & global variables?
  1. What are volatile variables?
  1. What is functions prototype?
  1. Disadvantages of using macro.
  1. What is structure? What is union?
  1. Why arithmetic operation cannot be perform on a void pointer?
  1. Bitwise operator.
  1. Write a hello world program without semicolon.
  1. Entry control loop/Exit control loop.
  1. What flow chart? What is algorithm?
  1. What is pseudo code?
  1. What is call command line argument?
  1. Define symbolic constant.
  1. Purpose of main function.
  1. Macro/Function(difference).
  1. Advantages & Disadvantages of function.
  1. Difference between array Vs structure.
  1. Difference between structure Vs union.
  1. Main advantages of pointer.
  1. Difference between array of pointer & pointer to an array.
  1. What is structure pointer?
  1. Similarity between array & pointer?
  1. What is dangling pointer?
  1. Difference between *ptr++ & ++*ptr.
  1. Structure Vs class.
  1. Self-referential structure.
  1. printf() Vs fprintf()
  1. Difference between rewind() Vs fseek()
  1. What is the difference function used for file handling?
  1. What do you mean by structure programming?
  1. What is expression?
  1. What is symbolic constant?
  1. Actual argument Vs formal argument.
  1. Top down approach Vs bottom up approach.
  1. What is header file in C?
  1. What is void in C?
  1. Difference between exit & return.
  1. What is null pointer?
  1. What is memory leak?
  1. What is wild pointer?
  1. What is void pointer?